“Everyone in life has a cross to bear – and yours is your back.

Those were the parting words uttered by my neurosurgeon during a surgical consult I attended, bent over in pain and armed with scans and reports – detailing the ways in which my back had betrayed me.

Degenerative disc disease, multi-level disc herniations, spinal stenosis, arthritis

Those depressing results only painted part of the picture – they left out the part about having to crawl on the floor to go to the bathroom, wearing sweatpants so I could grab the fabric in order to pick up my own legs in order to get out of bed, the screaming and crying when the spasms would hit…

It was certainly no way to live.

Aside from the pain, there was the medication – to which I was in real danger of becoming addicted.  And the worst part – the loneliness and isolation.  Feeling as if nobody understood me, and feeling like I needed to constantly analyze and talk about my symptoms so people wouldn’t think I was a baby.  It got to the point I was tired of the sound of my own voice.

So here I was in this doctor’s office – sick of my pain and sick of myself – and praying for a miracle.

And he offered:

“Everyone in life has a cross to bear – and yours is your back.”

I thought of the other pieces of advice given to me by doctors.

  • “You’re only 25 but you have the back of a 50-year-old.”
  • “You’ll probably have to go on disability.”
  • “If you ever get pregnant, you’ll have to go on bed rest.”

And then I got pissed.

I decided I would not become a victim of my circumstances.  I decided that since it was MY body and MY back then I was going to be the expert in back pain relief! I researched, I read medical journals, I read everything I could get my hands on.  I got certified in Cupping Therapy, Orthopedic Therapy, and Nutritional Pain Management. I dove deep into the science of pain and the mind-body connection and something interesting started to happen…   The more I learned – the less I hurt.    It seemed improbable, but it was true! I started sneaking pain science and mind-body education into my sessions with clients.

And the ones that bought into it got better faster.

With the chronic pain and opioid epidemics in this country, this is pretty groundbreaking stuff.  Unfortunately, since Big Pharma and Big Business can’t profit from it you’re unlikely to hear much about it anywhere else.

But I’m not going to stop talking about it.  I have made this my life’s work – helping people learn how changing their pain story can change their life.

And what about the rest of my back pain story?

In 2016, I won my first fight at the House of Blues Boston, and in 2019 I won a world championship at 48 years old!

What about you?

Are you ready to knock out physical and emotional pain with a unique approach to wellness?

Is it time for a change?

Do you bounce from one expert to another, getting your hopes up each time only to end up back at zero again?

Does your life seem like a never-ending string of appointments and all you have to show for it is a list of diagnoses?

The truth is, if they can’t drug it or cut it – Western medicine falls pretty short.

If you are looking for a fresh approach that will get you out of the over-pathologized, diagnosis for everything, victim mindset and into a place of strength and empowerment, then you are in the right place!

Let’s get together and get you feeling better!

The Knockout Wellness Private Health Membership Association (PMHA) has been formed to allow us to discuss and deliver cutting-edge technology and information to our members.  Many holistic, alternative, and complementary therapies and practitioners have come under attack by mainstream medical and pharmaceutical organizations for disseminating information that empowers the client to forgo Western medicine approaches and practice holistic healing.