Quick Guide to Cupping

Silicone Cupping Set

Silicone Cupping Set

When I saw cupping mentioned in a Tim Ferriss 5-Bullet Friday email, I knew it was time to finish the quick cupping how-to I’ve been kicking around for a while.  Here’s what Tim had to say:

“Cupping” contraptions are traditionally made of glass in Chinese medicine, where the treatment involves fire and is sometimes combined with moxibustion (usually mugwort). I was first exposed to the silicone variety by a massage therapist, who helped me before my drumming gig with Foreigner for The Tim Ferriss Experiment, when my forearms had seized. It worked like a charm. I’m unsure of the mechanism of action, but it could involve increased local blood flow and some superficial fascial release (or placebo, of course). Be forewarned: it often leaves gigantic hickeys on your skin.

True enough.  The exact mechanism of action has not been rigorously scientifically proven, but several theories abound.  There are many ways cupping is believed to be beneficial, here are the main ways I use it in my clinic:

  • to increase circulation
  • to treat trigger points
  • to “release” restricted muscles and fascia
  • to contour the face and body
  • to increase muscle spread and definition in bodybuilders
My clients have reported experiences such as:
  • decreased pain
  • increased range of motion
  • sense of deep relaxation
  • increase in muscle spread and definition
  • improvement in facial contours
  • smoother complexion
This how-to will focus on the use of the Transparent Silicone Cupping Set for Chinese Cupping, which is the same set Tim Ferriss uses.

Let’s dive right in…

There are 4 sizes in this particular set, ranging from 1.5″ to a bit over 3″.  They are made of silicone so they are flexible, making them them ideal for gliding applications.

This is typically straightforward, but if trigger points are involved it can get tricky.  Put them where it hurts, but the most important thing to remember is to do what is comfortable for you!
Generously apply oil (massage, coconut, or jojoba are all good choices) to the affected area.
Two handed application:
Hold the cup in both hands as if it were a sandwich, with the opening facing up
Ensure fingertips are outside the raised lip
Rotate both wrists away from you as turn and lower the cup over affected area
Using the thumbs, press down on the raised center of cup, as you simultaneously pull the finger tips out from the underside of the cup
One handed application:
Hold the cup in one hand as if it were a sandwich, with the opening facing up
Ensure fingertips are outside the raised lip
Rotate wrist away from you as turn and lower the cup over affected area
Using the thumb, press down on the raised center of cup, as you simultaneously pull the finger tips out from the underside of the cup
If you are struggling to get the cups to stick, be sure you are using enough oil and practice on an easy spot like the thigh.
Stationary Application:
Apply cups to the affected areas
Mobilize the areas slowly and gently
Leave in place for up to 10 minutes


Gliding Application:
Apply cups to affected area

Twist cups gently to set
Pull gently on the top of the cup and move it across the affected area

Move the cup up, down, across and around the affected area
Do what feels good!