My Product Recommendations

I try out all kinds of things in my quest to find the best products to recommend to my clients – here are some standouts! Full disclosure – yes, some of these are attached to my Amazon Affiliate account, but I still use them!

1. Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion

This really works to relax tight muscles and doesn’t leave any residue. Did you know stress depletes magnesium and most people are chronically deficient? Magnesium is the number one muscle relaxer in the body – every cell in the body requires it to function. It takes 54 molecules of magnesium to offset a single molecule of sugar regardless of the source of that sugar (chocolate, fruit, veggies, pasta, bread, wine, beer, etc.)

2. PSO-RITE Psoas Release Tool

You’ll have to just trust me on this one. Ouch. HIGHLY recommended for lower back pain sufferers.

3. Great Lakes Pure, Unflavored Collagen

I add this to my smoothies, and sometimes my coffee. It’s tasteless and dissolves completely. If you’re active and over 40, this is a game changer!